Friday, August 8, 2008

prevelle silk from mentor esthetics

We were visited yesterday by our esteemed mentor rep Tom, who brought us lunch from Picasso's Modesto Sandwich Shop (downtown).

We sat as a group and talked about hyaluronic acid fillers and especially about prevelle which is a new filler, recently FDA approved which includes Lidocaine in the mixture. There are several pros and cons to consider. We're going to be carrying this filler (prevelle - silk) as there are many patients whom we feel would benefit.

Nothing here is considered specific plastic surgical advice. Please visit your plastic surgeon in person to discuss your particular plastic surgery needs, or visit us.

You can visit our Modesto Plastic Surgery web page.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Modesto Utilities

From Modesto Utility websites I've gathered these telephone numbers:

Water Garbage and Sewer: 209-577-5395 (call after 8:30am), another number is 577-5200
MID: 209-526-7373 8am-5pm
PGE: 1-800-743-5000