Saturday, January 19, 2008

Our Regular Telephone number UPDATED on these Web Pages

Our current telephone number is 209-551-1888 for Surgical Artistry, Tammy Wu, MD

I've deleted our old number which was 209-918-0188 (which still works, but rings a cell phone instead - which hides in our office). We've called this phone our office Plastic Surgery cell phone. We started our practice off on this telephone back in 2006.

The websites that received the new updated telephone number are:

Breast augmentation tracy:

Generic Dr. Tammy Wu Plastic Surgery Modesto Female Plastic Surgeon web page #1

Generic Dr. Tammy Wu Plastic Surgery Modesto Breast Specialist web page #2

Partial Listing of Other Procedures in Modesto Plastic Surgery

We still have all those 500-600 mugs that we gave out with the old telephone number. I gave all these mugs to many of the doctors in town. This was the mug with black and burgundy on it and had the cello logo, before we solidified on the woman logo.

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